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How Amps work?

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10:00 AM

We all love music, don't we? The right kind of music can transform your mood in absolutely no time. Music isn't just an integral part of personal leisure time, but it's also one of the most important elements of parties, social gatherings, weddings- all special occasions. When they say 'turn the volume up' they not only mean the volume of the sound but also to turn the event up to a new level!

Changing the mood at a party can become challenging if your speakers aren't very powerful. What do people need at a party?  Music so loud that they can't hear anything. And deafening music needs big speakers.

One way to amplify the sound of your speakers is through the use of amplifiers. 

Read this blog post to know what an amplifier is and how it help the speakers.


What is an Amp?

Amp, short for an amplifier, is a simple device with a simple function; to amplify the volume of the sound coming from the speakers. An amplifier simply increases the audio signal so that the sound coming from the speakers is amplified (or made louder, in simpler words). 

Amplifiers have 3 connections. They're connected to the input from the sound source, to the output of the speakers, and to a 110-volt power source. They may appear like complex devices, but they're quite simple in design and function.


How Do Amplifiers Amplify the Sound?

Amplifiers help improve the level of sound coming from the speakers. Let's look at how amplifiers work and help speakers.


Conversion of Alternating Current to Direct Current

The power coming from the 110-volt is alternating current (AC) which is converted into direct current (DC). 


Role of a Transistor 

The DC current is sent to the transistor, which acts as a valve that increases or decreases the amount of current that flows through the circuit from the power source. Resistance is lowered when the transistor receives a signal from the input source, and the current starts flowing through. The current amount depends on the signal's size from the input source. The larger the signal, the more current will flow through and the higher will be the amplification of the sound. This is how an amplifier amplifies the sound coming from the speakers. 

To help you understand the role of the transistor better, let's look at it this way;

If the signal frequency coming from the input source is 200 Hz, it'll make the transistor open and close 200 times per second. If the frequency of a signal is 1000 Hz, the transistor will operate 1000 times per second. A transistor basically controls the level of electrical current that's transmitted to the speaker. And this is how it helps amplify the speaker's sound.


Amplifiers play a vital role for speakers. Without an amp, your speakers won't feel as powerful as you would like them.

If you're looking for the perfect audio solution for your home before you host the next big party, get in touch with us at Automated Audio Visual, and let us take care of everything audio-related for you!